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Monthly Archives: July 2012

For anyone interested, tomorrow (August 1st), I’m having another promotion for Disenchanted on Amazon.  If you’re looking for a good read for the end of summer, grab a Kindle copy of Disenchanted for Free from Amazon!

As I work to edit my upcoming novel, I’m trying to start thinking of the description I’ll place in a query (if I decide to try that route again) or on the various electronic publishers sites (as I did with Disenchanted). 

To help give me a starting point, I’ve looked at some of the books currently available in my chosen genre (YA Fantasy).  I look mainly at “Best Sellers”, since I’m obviously interested in having people read my novel.  Why would I publish, otherwise.  There is a difference between the pedigree of a bestseller on Amazonas opposed to Samshwords, but I think both show value for what I’m interested in.

My reactions to the short descriptions cover the gamut, from interest to outright disgust.  In general, though, I am surprised that so many of these plot descriptions generate best sellers.  There are plots I’ve seen before, and descriptions of what sounds like terribly cliché plots.

What I find myself wondering is what makes us actually pick up a book and read the back cover?  What makes us open the cover to read the first page or two?  From there, it starts to be what we’ve always heard as writers and readers: compelling, believable characters, an interesting plot, well crafted prose.

I’d love to hear your thoughts.  What makes you pick up a book and read it?

We all grew up with children’s writers who are now considered classic:  Dr. Suess, and PD Eastman, and Stan and Jan Berenstein for example.  They are among our first exposure to the world of written words.  Not only do they help encourage a love of reading, but they also touch us, amuse us and teach us.  And through it all, they add their little bit to forming the people we will become.

With my children, I can see all this taking place and marvel.  Not only do these books inspire and teach and entertain children, but they entertain parents as well.

There are a couple of new authors (new compared to Suess, that is) that I love.  Sandra Boynton’s books are for the youngest crowd.  With just a few words her sometimes goofy humor engages everyone who reads them.  There are more than a few of her books that I’ve learned by heart.

As my kids grew a little older, Mo Willems quickly became a favorite, whether Pigeon, Elephant and Piggie, or Knuffle Bunny, Mr. Willems show not only his wit, but also his devotion to his own daughter – Trixie – who appears in several of his books.

If you’re a parent, and haven’t read some of these books to your kids, I highly recommend a trip to your local library.  I promise that you’ll enjoy them as much as your kids.  Both of these authors are good for laughs.  If you’re looking for a tear-jerker (for you, not the kids) you’ll have to read Knuffle Bunny Free, but be sure to read the first two installments first to get the full effect.